
The Square Orange Blog

You Need Focused Marketing Now, More Than Ever

During the whole COVID-19 crisis, I have heard a lot of people say that they feel awkward marketing during the crisis because they feel everyone is in the same boat. That's only half true - everyone is in the same boat, but why does that equate to not doing business? Especially now, as restrictions are being lifted and you are able to reach out to customers. You are no longer wasting your breath because they couldn't leave isolation. Even more important, as some of the government economic stimulus packages end, there will be more competition for the scarce consumer dollar, so you need to make sure that you are on top of people's minds in your field. So, let's look at how you can still conduct your marketing even during the unwinding of the crisis. (more…)...
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SMART Marketing – What Is It? How To Do It?

In business, either you engage in marketing or your business dies. Marketing isn't just running a few ads or waiting for referrals. Proper, focused marketing grows sales. Proper focused marketing is about ensuring that the people you want as customers get to hear what you are offering them and why it is perfect for their needs, regularly, consistently and on purpose, driving them from a state of interest to a state of readiness to buy. What if I were to tell you that you can take 7 easy steps to prepare a targeted marketing campaign that will identify your best customers, craft the right messages they want to hear, within marketing activities designed to drive them down the sales funnel? (more…)...
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6 Steps To Prepare For A Catastrophic Event

COVID-19 - who knew? Such a catastrophic global event has shut many businesses. Who knows how many will be able to re-open? One thing is for sure, if your business had a plan on what to do in case something catastrophic happened, it would be standing on much better ground today. So, as you look to rebuilding, make sure that one of the most important management tools in any business - Risk Management Planning - is something that you put in your toolbox. It only takes six steps to create your Risk Management Plan and be ready for a catastrophic event. But first, what is a Risk Management Plan? (more…)...
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Business Planning in the Midst of COVID-19

Here we are at the beginning of July and COVID-19 is still with us in some form or other. For many small businesses, we are still in or starting recovery mode. As I engage with our clients, a large proportion are still working from home, or have rostered their team into the office to keep numbers down. Things are still quiet and it is clear that "normality" is a long way away. This sense of being quiet and watching to see what will happen can lead to a dead-end though! Now, more than ever, "if you do nothing, a very strange thing happens - nothing!" So, despite business being quiet, despite our fears and worries making us psychologically frozen, despite not knowing what's around the corner, we still need to plan ahead. Here's what you need to do. (more…)...
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