If you own and run a small business, you must know the feeling where you finish a hard day at work...and wonder how that could possibly have got you closer to your ultimate goal?
It is frustrating because all of us started our small businesses with a clear purpose in mind. It may have been to "be our own boss" or to "invent a better mousetrap" or to "provide a balanced lifestyle for my family."
But somewhere along the way, we went off track and now, all we do is go to work just to work hard!
How can we get back on track on a day to day basis? (more…)...
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Writing Your Small Business Plan
In past blog posts, I have written about how Indigenous organisations can start small businesses and social enterprises. Participating in the broader economy is, in my opinion, an important part of success for any Indigenous organisation.
This month, I wanted to write about how to provide a plan for your small business.
Whether it is a small business or social enterprise attached to a larger Indigenous organisation, or whether you are encouraging your members to start their own enterprises, all small businesses need to have the support of a well thought out business plan. (more…)...
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