
Category Archives: Managing Indigenous Organisations

2023 Tax Obligations For Organisations

As the 2022 tax year has just ended and organisations are completing their year-end tax reports and annual payment summaries, organisations will also now be preparing for the 2023 tax year ahead. What are the tax areas in 2023 that organisations need to be aware of, and if necessary, prepare for? Four areas will be leading Australian Tax Office activity in 2023, being: (more…)...
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Is Your Risk Management Framework Robust?

We have now lived in COVID world for over two years and it is situation normal. But can your organisation survive another similar hit? All organisations need to have a Risk Management Framework that includes your Risk Management Plan in place. Without one, your Board is not doing enough to be diligent in their work, and as management, you are frankly, slack in living up to your obligations to the organisation. That is a bold statement, but first, let's ensure we all understand what is Risk Management Planning. (more…)...
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Central Issues of Governance in an Indigenous Organisation

As Indigenous organisations mature as corporate entities in this post-Determination era, those who have been on the journey in the last 3 decades have seen them transition from "Associations" to corporations under the CATSI Act. However, the struggle over appropriate governance is still continuing. On the one hand, as corporate entities under an Act that mirrors the private sector Corporations Act, their governance policies and behaviours are expected to be as robust and independent as those of private sector companies. On the other hand, many of these corporations are "closely-held" entities subject to close family relationships and cultural protocols often more powerful than the Act. What are the central issues of governance that post-Determination Indigenous corporations need to be aware of and deal with? (more…)...
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Strategic Plan – Keystone or Cornerstone?

While we use "keystone" and "cornerstone" interchangeably in our speech, in building, they both have very distinct meanings. A keystone is the last piece of stone placed when constructing an arch and it locks the other stones into place in an otherwise fragile arch shape. A cornerstone is often the first stone laid when constructing a building and forms the reference of alignment for all other stones to be laid. So, is your strategic plan the start of your organisational development - the cornerstone of your organisation, or is it the final piece that seals your strategies - its keystone? (more…)...
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OTS Management