
Monthly Archives: May 2021

Customer Relationship Management In A Small Business

What is Customer Relationship Management, sometimes called CRM? To trendy business gurus, it is a data management system that consolidates all the data about your customers and allows all levels of your business to access that data so as to provide the best customer service and contact. But that's like saying the right way to service your car is with a box of tools! Customer Relationship Management is all about the managing of good relations with customers and prospective customers. The key to winning and keeping customers has always been about relationships. People like to do business with people they like. The question is how do you do this? (more…)...
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“Culturally-Matched” Governance Makes Indigenous Organisations More Resilient

OTS Management has summarised our 35-year experience in working with Indigenous organisations and recorded our observations about how Indigenous organisations become resilient and prepared a free Whitepaper called The Building Blocks of Organisational Resilience. It will be no surprise that we have identified governance as one of those building blocks. However, we have also identified that the type of governance model implemented cannot be only focused on the governance processes legislated in various corporation Acts. While incorporated organisations must follow and not be in breach of legislated governance responsibilities, strong resilient organisations have found a way to incorporate "cultural match" in their governance processes. (more…)...
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OTS Management