Mistakes happen all the time, and they happen in businesses every day.
These mistakes can range from how a customer complaint is handled, or how an order is fulfilled, to mistakes in book-keeping or orders, or just plain misunderstandings on how something should be dealt with. I'll bet you that you can think of a few off the top of your head.
Mistakes can be small and meaningless or huge and catastrophic. But even if you think small mistakes can be ignored, how you handle these small daily mistakes gives you an insight into how your business can handle the more serious kind.
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Using KSI’s In An Indigenous Corporation
What are KSI's?
Before I answer that question, what I really want to discuss is how you choose the right strategies when you are planning. You’ve probably taken some time off and wrote your Vision, Mission and Values Statement; you’ve probably brainstormed your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and worked out your goals for the year. But now, how do you choose between all the ideas to find the most critical strategies?
That’s where your KSI’s come in.
"KSI" stands for Key Strategic Issues.
They are “Key” because the particular issue is key to your strategic plan’s success. Your plan may have to deal with a lot of issues, but "Key" strategic issues are those that must be dealt with in order for the rest of the plan to be achievable. For example, if you plan to introduce new services, while you may have to contend with issues such as hiring new staff and finding physical office space, a "Key" issue may be obtaining funding. Without funding, you cannot do all those other things you need to do in order to introduce the new services.
They are “Strategic” because they are big-picture issues that sit on top of a pyramid – fix this Key Strategic...
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