
Monthly Archives: June 2020

Business Planning in the Midst of COVID-19

Here we are at the beginning of July and COVID-19 is still with us in some form or other. For many small businesses, we are still in or starting recovery mode. As I engage with our clients, a large proportion are still working from home, or have rostered their team into the office to keep numbers down. Things are still quiet and it is clear that "normality" is a long way away. This sense of being quiet and watching to see what will happen can lead to a dead-end though! Now, more than ever, "if you do nothing, a very strange thing happens - nothing!" So, despite business being quiet, despite our fears and worries making us psychologically frozen, despite not knowing what's around the corner, we still need to plan ahead. Here's what you need to do. (more…)...
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Risk Management Planning

Here we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic when travel restrictions apply, social-distancing is the new normal, and our operations have been severely affected by these unprecedented times! Yet, for well-organised Indigenous corporations who have conducted Risk Management Planning, they will have been able to re-organise and pivot because of their plans. So, what is Risk Management Planning? (more…)...
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OTS Management