
Yearly Archives: 2017

The Legal Responsibilities Of Operating A Company

If you run your business through a company, what are your responsibilities? Many of our readers may be operating Family Trusts, with what is called a "corporate trustee", that is a company that is the trustee of the Family Trust. Others actually operate their business through a company directly. In either case there are responsibilities under the corporate legislation under which these companies were incorporated, and there may be some tax implications. Let's run through them here. (more…)...
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Does your PBI Indigenous Corporation need an Independent Director?

It has been argued that having independent Directors on the Board of your Indigenous corporation can be a great advantage. I've argued this myself in a previous article. Independent Directors provide your Board, and hence your corporation, with a wider view of the world that it operates in. No Indigenous corporation operates merely within the world of Government funding - most now have some interaction with Future Acts proponents, local commercial interests, social ventures and investment projects. However, what are the disadvantages, if any? And if there are any disadvantages, how do you still make it work for you? (more…)...
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OTS Management