
Managing Indigenous Organisations

Annual Board Self-Assessments Are a Must!

One of the most important tools in ensuring that your governance operates at best-practice is to implement an annual Board Self-Assessment process. A strong, efficient and productive board of directors is a clear indicator of a healthy corporation. However even the best performing Boards need a periodic assessment to ensure that it doesn't just manage, but will really thrive in today’s evolving challenges. To provide a check-up of your board’s performance, and to identify the required practices and strategies for a healthy and productive Board, the best place to start is with an honest board self-assessment. Yet in a governance survey conducted by BoardSource, only 51% of Not-For-Profit organisations responded that they use a formal self-assessment to evaluate their Board's effectiveness. So, where do you start? (more…)...
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Improving Board Performance

I have heard it said that Indigenous corporations are the most studied, with all kinds of reviews, studies, analyses and reports on the performance of Indigenous corporations. If you relate to that you will also relate to the proposal that Indigenous Directors of these corporations have been through the most governance training than any other group! Directors have had specialist workshops on governance, they have attended previous ATSIC sponsored training on governance, they have been sent to ORIC governance training, some have even attended training from the Australian Institute of Company Directors! And yet, improving Board performance is still a hot topic. What can we do to embed "good governance" into practice? (more…)...
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Tax Planning Opportunities

As 30 June approaches there are many ways that taxpayers can defer income, maximise deductions and take advantage of other tax planning initiatives to manage their taxable income. Taxpayers should be aware that they need to start the year-end tax planning process early in order to maximise these opportunities. Of course, those undertaking tax planning should be aware of the potential application of anti-avoidance provisions. However, if done correctly, tax planning can provide a number of tax savings.

At OTS Management, we have already spent the last several weeks working with our clients to analyse tax planning opportunities and have them put into place. For others, here are a few ideas that we quietly run through on behalf of our clients at this time every year.


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10 Steps To Prepare Your Strategic Plan

There are many different models for the preparation of a strategic plan. At OTS Management we use a process that has been synthesised from our learning and experience gained by working with Indigenous organisations since the mid-1980's. We base it around a series of workshops that is a collaborative effort between Board and management. We outline our 10 step process below. (more…)...
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OTS Management